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oscillscope project

U mean 2 graph , each with 5 lines ? i want every siganl to have it is XY axis !!!
what i want is the following :  i wanna continue making more plots but i want them to show at the right of my graph since i have no more space  to go down  and the screens we use are all 19 inch got me ?
the only reason i want this is I want all my data to be sorted to 1 file (output file) that has 20 colums of data u know!!!! unless there is another idea of making 2 separate graph with 1 output file!!1
what do u think ?
LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 51 of 401

The number of charts that you have has nothing to do with how many files you want to write to. You could write to 20 different files and one chart or write to one file and 20 separate charts. It's all in how you wire the data.

Start by doing something basic and just creating a 2D array on the diagram or front panel. Experiment with Index Array, Array Subset, etc. Look at the shipping examples and see how charts can be configured to show multiple traces with the same scales and multiple traces with multiple scales.

0 Kudos
Message 52 of 401
Once i get to work with my data i will ask if i have a question !!
Now my concern is how can i make another channels just beside my first wave form chart (right side)for the same chart !!! i want to continue adding another 10 so total will be 20 ?
LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 53 of 401

I just did something quickly to your VI and did not run it.  I may be missing some VI, but I didn't check.

All I did was to seperate the Graphs into to charts.  Have a look and ajust as needed.  I left the original portion intact.

And I did not clean anything on the block diagram.  Hope it helps.



Message 54 of 401

My! point! was! that! you! did! not! need! to! generate! any! data! from! any! card! (Are all those exclamation points annoying? They are to me!

As I said, you can simnply create a 2D array constant on the front panel. This is extremely basic programming.

Message 55 of 401
could you plz save it in version 8.2 🙂 thank you
LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 56 of 401
LOL NO nO u are good it is just i dont find it related to what i need for now !! nothing annoying , i am enjoying the forum!!1
LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 57 of 401
What Denis is trying to say is that you can add as many waveforms to the same graph as you want.  Simply add them to the @D array that is already wired to that particular Graph.  You'll have more colorful lines, that's all..  😉
Here it is in LV8.2
Message 58 of 401

Dennis Knutson wrote:

My! point! was! that! you! did! not! need! to! generate! any! data! from! any! card! (Are all those exclamation points annoying? They are to me!

LOL!!  Now I !!!  get it !!!  L!! O!! L!!  😄
ROFL!! !!!!!!!!!!
Message 59 of 401
Denis! is ! a good!! one!! he!! understand!! what! he ! is! saying!! but i connot undertand him some times LOOOOOOOL !!!!!!
Joe :what u did is so nice 🙂 but what i want is every single channel has it's axis same as i did before!!! i would make them all vertical but it will look ugly u know 🙂
LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 60 of 401