06-26-2008 07:35 AM
06-26-2008 08:32 AM
The number of charts that you have has nothing to do with how many files you want to write to. You could write to 20 different files and one chart or write to one file and 20 separate charts. It's all in how you wire the data.
Start by doing something basic and just creating a 2D array on the diagram or front panel. Experiment with Index Array, Array Subset, etc. Look at the shipping examples and see how charts can be configured to show multiple traces with the same scales and multiple traces with multiple scales.
06-26-2008 11:37 AM
06-26-2008 11:46 AM
I just did something quickly to your VI and did not run it. I may be missing some VI, but I didn't check.
All I did was to seperate the Graphs into to charts. Have a look and ajust as needed. I left the original portion intact.
And I did not clean anything on the block diagram. Hope it helps.
06-26-2008 11:52 AM
My! point! was! that! you! did! not! need! to! generate! any! data! from! any! card! (Are all those exclamation points annoying? They are to me!
As I said, you can simnply create a 2D array constant on the front panel. This is extremely basic programming.
06-26-2008 11:53 AM
06-26-2008 11:58 AM
06-26-2008 12:01 PM
06-26-2008 12:04 PM
Dennis Knutson wrote:
My! point! was! that! you! did! not! need! to! generate! any! data! from! any! card! (Are all those exclamation points annoying? They are to me!
06-26-2008 12:20 PM