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overflow Keithley

Hello ,

I am working on a Relay-test  program the hardware is composed from the Keithley to take the mesearment and a Pickering card to match all the pins with the Realy matrix  .

My problem is when the keithley is on , i get the error message "Overflow MΩ" and the program cant find the pickering card .

When the Keithley is off the program can find the Pickering card but of course i can t take the meserments from the Matrix . 

I started to debug the prorgamm and i have noticed that i have different values in both situations . As a beginner i couldnt find the reson of this conflict . 

i screen shoted where i have  found different  values


any help is welcome! 




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Message 1 of 10

Hi bibo,


My problem is when the keithley is on , i get the error message "Overflow MΩ" and the program cant find the pickering card .

"Overflow MΩ" is a valid result of a resistance measurement!


How do you "find" the Pickering card? How do you communicate with it?

You don't use the same GPIB address for both devices? Or is the Pickering card built into the K2400?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 10

Hi GerdW 
 This  part of the  programm where the Pickering  card can be detected is as a screen shot bellow  .   The pickering Card is integrated in a NI PXI-1031 chasier . Both devices are seperated and have normally different GPIB adresses .

Normally i should get the exact mesermant of the resistances (and not overflow ) on the Matric-Test  that is connected directly with the Pickering Card via an appropriate Cable .

I get bigger values than 1.00E+5 (The 3rd red point ) when the Keithley is on that s why the program cant find the Pickering Card to do the mesermants .

Ps: I don't have this Problem when i am using this programm on another computer running on windows Xp .... 


Kind regards , 


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Message 3 of 10

Hi bibo,


your images don't help: I don't see anything related to "controlling a Pickering card"… All I see is bad LabVIEW code!


You (seem to) use the same (?) "GPIB address" in both screenshots. When the Pickering card is inside a NI-PXI system you probably don't use GPIB for communication?

Can you check the Keithley measurement with a simple DMM? Maybe the Keithley is correct when measuring a high resistance (aka open contacts)?


I don't have this Problem when i am using this programm on another computer running on windows Xp ....

Use that other computer!

(Do you use the very same hardware settings, including MAX settings, on both computers?)

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 4 of 10

Hi GerdW  , 


The Program isn't able to find the relais-matrix (Test card ) connected with the shortcutbord via a cable  . on this test card are resistance integrated : The Keithley will measure these resistances and every pin from this card  will be  compared with the integrated pickering card  in the chasier  to see if there is no error on the Test card . that 's the global function of this VI . 


I thinkthat ther is no GPIB connection  ( not sure about it ) with the Pickering card because on Max its metionned  as PCI device (Vis resource name : PXI2::15::INSTR )
I checked with the Keithley and there is no Problem with it , it's working normally .

I also have compared the Max settingsof the two Computers and they were the same . 

I just have discovered that despite of the Keithley is off and the Pickering card is out ,  the programm finds the Test card . 

I know it is kind of mess but any advice will be helpful ! 


Ps: The problem is that all Computers are gonna be running on Windows 7 in the company because Xp is no more supported ... 

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Message 5 of 10

Hey Bibo,


could you please exactly describe your whole hardware setup (Keithley 2400, which Pickering card, etc.)

Please tell us the exact names of the different components and how they are connected.


When the VI works on one computer and doesn't on another there must be a difference.

Is there a difference between installed software on the computers except the Version of Windows?




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Message 6 of 10


hi Maxi  , 

I am using Pickering 40-535-021 which is related with an appropriate cable ( Pitch Micro-D Connector )  to an extern  relay Matrix . 

The Keythley 2400 is directly connected with the chasis NI PXI-1031 via National Instruments GPIB Cable 183285C-02, Type X13. 

These are the extern Component . 

In the old  Chasis  PXi -1000B there is an extern  GPIB CARD integrated and IEEE-488 GPIB cable for the connection between the Keithley and the chasis . 

 ( In the old Chasis there are 7 Pickering Card . It doesent change any thing because  i only need one card for the programm  )Exept the Windows version  ,  i am using labview 2010 .


 regards ! 


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

Hello , 

I went to Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers  and i  found the code erro (52) from Windriver  ,its related to  the driver Pickering Card . Could that be causing the issue ? 




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Message 8 of 10

Hello  ,

 I have labviw  program that was running perfectly on wondows Xp but now that i 've upgraded the software to windows 7 it doesn't run anymore and i have this error meesages on Keythley :
-109 missing parameter 
-101 invalid Character 
-41110 Query INTERUPPTED

Added to that i have found thi error message in device manager
"Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source. (Code 52)"

this error is related to the Pickering Card but i ve made sure to install the appropriate driver for it.

I know that if a  labview programm runs on Xp it should also on 7 run but this is the only diffrences that i ve  found  between the two . 

Any help is welcome ,



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Message 9 of 10

Hi bibo,


why do you think it's a good idea to create a double post on the same topic?


Those Keithley error codes are explained in the Keithley User Manual of your device.

Go step-by-step through your VI to know which commands enforce these error messages…


Windows only complains about an unsigned device driver. No need to worry about (as long as the driver comes from a known source)…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 10 of 10