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I am tring to read form 10 different comm ports at the same time and record the data do i have parallelism done right 

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Message 1 of 4

Parallelism in a for loop would be to spread the reads across the different cores on your processor. You probably don't need this here. Also, no need to wire the "N" terminal on the second for loop. Just autoindex your VISA array.

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Message 2 of 4

I am on the road and can not open your VI


But I assume you do not wish to read from each port on at a time in a loop.

1 then 2 then 3 ... then 10 repeat


On a system where I have 32 comports to read, I created a re-entrant VI to read and process one comport and then using the VI server, I spin up 32 copies of that VI passing in the comport to monitor.



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Message 3 of 4

I don't have 2014 installed but an alternative to VI server and asynconous reentrant VIs, is to use the for loop parallelism.  Right click the for loop and enable parallelism, and set it to 10.  The pass in an array of the 10 COM ports you want to read.  Attached is a quick example which is not complete.

Message 4 of 4