02-19-2013 12:44 PM
Hi! I'm new on this forum and with labview...
I'm trying to visualize text (tab delimited) file from a datalogger that acquire data from a small photovoltaic plant. However, I'll plot on XY graph (x = time, y= climatic or eletric parameter) what is in the file but I don't know how read properly the data and time column and use it in x-axis. I attach the the text file and what I've done with labview until now...
please help me!
02-19-2013 12:46 PM
This the .vi file sorry
02-19-2013 03:15 PM
The attached VI should get you started. I didnt have time to comment but if you have quesitons let me know and Ill try to follow up.
02-20-2013 01:31 PM
I can't follow so much your loop solution but thank you for your help. Maybe you've noticed that my data are of different type: tensione min,tensione max,tensione ave and the same for the current, and for every 'data type' there are 8 indices. I try to think how modify the loop in which XY graph is generated for having not only one graph for everything but one XY graph for any 'data type', so XY graph with multiplot for Tensione-i Max (i= 1,...8) and so on for every 'data type'...any suggest?
Sorry for disturb