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please help

My name is Ammar Makhoul
I need simulate the types of A/D converters (flash , sigma, pipeline) in LabView program 2010

I ask your help to tell me how can i do that ... If you have videos explain that please send it to my Email (

Please please i wait your response
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Please do not ask us to do your homework. 


If there is a specific portion of the LabVIEW implementation that you need help with, please post your VI with a specific description of what it is not doing correctly for you. 

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8
Are you sure you want LabVIEW and not Multisim?
Message 3 of 8

If you don't have an idea of how to do this, you're in way over your head.  Building a comparator is easy.  You should be abe to put together a flash simulation in under an hour.  You're likely going to clone someone else's work for the pipelined.


Really though, you gave us nowhere near the information we required to begin to help you.  How many bits is your ADC?  What's the range of your input?  What are your SNDR requirements?  You'll have a difficult time modeling your sampling rate.  That will make sample and hold circuits and interleaving a bit awkward.


Why is 2010 a requirement?  This sounds like a homework assignment.  That's not something I would expect requires you to use a version of LabVIEW that is old enough NI no longer supports it.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8
No it is not homework.
1)I prepare to comparsion between these types for master's degree
2) i used this version because i have it with its libraries
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Not sure how "Compare A/D converters for Master's degree"  is not homework.....  A thesis is just one really, really, long assignment.


Even if it is homework, I'd be willing to help as long as it doen't involve me handing a finished product to you to turn in.  That's always been the case. 


So, the offer still stands: show us what you've done so far and ask a detailed question about the part that's not doing what you think it should be and we'll have a look.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

@a.m wrote:
My name is Ammar Makhoul
I need simulate the types of A/D converters (flash , sigma, pipeline) in LabView program 2010

I ask your help to tell me how can i do that ... If you have videos explain that please send it to my Email (

As a fist step you need to learn how to post in a forum. A subject of "please help" is completely useless, because every single question here is asking for help in one way or another. Next time use a descriptive title that summarizes your problem, e.g. "A/D simulation in LabVIEW"


It is not important that we know your name. If you want us to know your name put it in your profile.


Now to your question:

Do you have problems with the theory or with programming in LabVIEW?

For the theory, you can just do a web search and find anything you need. This has nothing to do with LabVIEW. Don't restrict yourself to videos, the information can take many forms.


LabVIEW is a full featured programming environment and you can simulate anything you want with it. Since you posted in the LabVIEW forum, it seem you have problems with programming. Maybe you should start with a few tutorials. What have you tried and where did you get stuck?


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

If you're comparing these, it can't be designed as your thesis.  It's more likely an ADC course you're taking to get your MS.  Either way, it's homework.  If you can't see that, I'm concerned about you going for this degree. 


Your school likely has a wide range of licenses you could use.  Look into cadence or Simulink.  If you're looking to model these ADCs quickly without any understanding of them, these two have a lot more resources available.  If you're doing any serious comparison of these without using something like Cadence to work in Verilog, it's honestly not worthy of MS consideration.  You can find peer-reviewed papers that compare the different architectures.  If you aren't going to break things down to the transistor level, you're not doing anything that will actually teach you graduate level understanding of ADCs.


As others have asked, where exactly are you getting stuck on your homework?  Do you understand the architectural difference between a flash ADC and a pipelined ADC?  Which have you tried to implement so far?  Where did you get stuck in the programming?

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Message 8 of 8