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problem reading file with excel : adds a month instead of a day


I would like to write in a file, the date and the time, every second for example . I have made up the VI ( see attached file ) and it works fine if I open it with note pad for example. However I have problems when I open it ( this same file )with excel : when the time changes from 23:59:59 to 00:00:00, excel adds a month to the date instead adding a day ! And I don't know how to solve this problem...

Any help would be really great,

Thanks a lot,

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Message 1 of 5
Hello David,

Your problem must have something to do with date formattings in your PC - like dd-mm-yy instead of mm-dd-yy...
Excel is not adding a month, the file is there and it was written by LabVIEW, Excel is just interpreting the values in the cells.
Try formmating the cells where the date is in excel -> Format -- Cells -You have there a lot of formatting options.

Hope this helps,
Message 2 of 5
Your problem can arise from the format of the date. The format of the "Get Date / Time String" function depends on the regional settings of the machine. Excel also uses this setting. If you write the file on a machine where the setting is MM/DD/YYYY and read it on a machine set to DD/MM/YYYY the month seems to be incremented but the day not, e. g. 06/01/2005 (1 June 2005) followed by 06/02/2005 will give 6 January 2005 followed by 6 February 2005.

To avoid this use the "Format Date / Time String" function and format it either according to ISO-8601 or the setting of the machine where the file will be read.

Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
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Message 3 of 5
Hello PauloM,

Thanks for ur help, my program is now working fine. However I still have a problem with the date in excel. I am writing in the same column the date and the time whith the string : "d/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss". The problem is that it writes ok the date and the time ( changing day works fine too ) but it sets a space before the first "d". So if I want to plot my results according to the time I have to take that space away and then it is ok.
Would u have any ideas how I could avoid having that space before the "d" in excel? ( I have checked with an indicator in labview and there is no space there when running ) ( and that space doesn't appear in any other column where I write some other stuff... )

Thanks again for ur help,

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Message 4 of 5

Is the space there when you check the file with notepad for instance?
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Message 5 of 5