12-18-2015 02:49 PM
hi every body
i'm trying to use the camera to track any object selected on the screen in real time .
i didit with pattern matching and i wanna make it with object tracking vi, but i'm facing a problem with ROI and object detection
any help please !?
12-18-2015 07:45 PM
12-18-2015 11:08 PM
what is the problem u r facing with those vi's ,,...share the screen shot of the issue or exp it in detail
12-19-2015 11:15 AM
when run the program an error apperes says no object to detect i creat a ROI to determine the object but another error says invalid ROI
here are the screen shots
12-19-2015 11:28 AM - edited 12-19-2015 11:29 AM
Well, if the image on the screen is the one you are trying to process, I would say right off hand that the first problem is that the contrast is way, way to low.
12-19-2015 02:36 PM
no the program stops before the camera works so every time i trying to run i get the error and camera stop working efore the streaming begin
12-20-2015 11:08 PM
good... can u mention what type of camera you are using (camera model) and also tell me whether u have verified the working of the camera in NI MAX...
12-21-2015 03:56 AM
i'm using HP -HD usb cam.
what do you mean of camera verification ?
the camera works great with pattern matching , so i don't think there is a need to verify , the main problem with the internal structure of program as mentioned in the post .