09-23-2011 10:59 PM
09-24-2011 06:26 AM
You have a very basic problem in what you want to do in that you are, in a sense, wanting to mix apples and oranges. PWM is a very precise process on the other hand, fuzzy logic is an imprecise statistical process.
Now having sad that you could use fuzzy logic to derive the value you want to transfer using PWM.
09-24-2011 06:44 AM
09-24-2011 06:57 AM
In that case you can use fuzzy logic to calculate the heater setpoint - but that is a separate question from how you want to transfer that setpoint to the heater. What you are wanting to do has really three steps:
A temperature controller simply does those three things over and over again. Note that step 2 can be pretty tricky while steps 1 and 3 are generally pretty easy.
Do you need drivers for generating PWM using a digital output?
09-24-2011 07:49 AM
09-24-2011 08:11 AM
Can you the project more information?
09-24-2011 09:11 AM
09-24-2011 03:40 PM
To learn how to generate a pwm signal, do a search in the examples that ship with LV for "PWM".
There are several examples.