04-24-2016 04:22 PM
Svp aider moi
J’ai réalisé un générateur pwm pour comander un onduleur triphasé
1-Le problème c’est que le signale triangulaire ne reste pas stable dans son amplitude
2- est ce que je peut utiliser une constante a la place du loop itertion si oui comment
Parceque je veux utiliser ce code dans le simulation loop pour faire une co simulation entre labview et multisim
04-24-2016 04:33 PM
Hi all
This is my first post so please be tolerant
Please help me
I made a PWM generator for a three-phase pwm inverter
1 - The problem is that the triangular signal does not remain stable in its amplitude
2 is that I can use a constant in place of the loop itertion if so how
Because I want to use this code in the loop simulation to co simulation between Multisim and Labview
04-25-2016 09:47 AM
When I run your VI on my computer the amplitude seems to remain stable, at least over 2-3 complete periods of the signal. Could you be a bit more specific about the issue you are seeing with unstable amplitude.
If you are looking for an alternative time source to wire into the signal generation VIs you might try using something like the tick count VI
Also, as a word of caution, and as a potential fix to odd front panel behavior. It looks like a couple of your front panel objects overlap. This can cause your VI to behave strangely as it forces LabVIEW to redraw both panel objects more often than they should be redrawn.
04-25-2016 02:03 PM
Hi alex
with this VI I want to controlled a three -phase inverter ( opening and fermuture of the switches )
how I can replace iteration loop with a constant numeric if yes what is the exact value
Best regards
04-26-2016 04:07 PM
A constant will not work in this case. You need something that increments each time the loop increments to be able to generate a proper signal.