That is a broad question... I'll make some asumptions.
I think you have a file with some raw image format. This can be quite a few formats. Every camera firm has it's own proprietry format. Often, when talking about a raw image, it is simply a 2d array of colors. So you'll have a file with numbers that are U8's that represent R G B, alpha R G B, B G R, etc., or a U32 that represent the same, combined in one U32...
The data can be stored binary or ASCII. Both formats are handled differently.
The ASCII format can be one large array of data, or seperated with enters for each scan line.
In both cases, you might need to remove information, like height and width, from the data before parsing the image data.
You can use the "Spreadsheet String To Array" to convert the a ASCII string to a LabVIEW 1D or 2D array. Or use "Read From Spreadsheet" to read the file directly as an array. Use Reshape Array to convert a 1D array to a 2D array.
The binary file is a bit different. Use "Read Binary File". It will get you a string. This string is a converted array of U8, the string doesn't need to be ASCII. convert this string to an array of U8's, with "String To Byte Array". Convert the 1D array just like before.
Now you have a 2D array. You can convert it into a pixmap with "Flatten". You can then display it in a picture control with "Draw Flattened".