11-17-2008 04:18 AM
I wonder if is it possible to assing static port to remote debuggable application? I know that NI Service Locater manage the dynamic port that the application will be using, but than I have to open all the ports on firewall, because I don't know which port the remote debuggable application is using currently.
Thanks, andrej
11-20-2008 07:23 AM
Hi Andrej,
You are are right NI Service Locator will manage the port you can use for debugging, however you don't have to open all ports on your firewall, but you have to allow Labview to open whatever prots it needs. See this KB for more informations.
I hope this helps.
Barna D.
Application Engineer
11-21-2008 01:37 AM
Hi Barna,
Thank you for your help. Now I see that I wasn't clear enough in my first post. The application that I am trying to debug is in some other company and they have common firewall for all network traffic. And according to an administrator of this firewall, he can not configure it to allow some application to open ports. He can only open specific port manually. In this case I have to know in advance, which port remote debug use. So is there any solution in this case.
Thaks, andrej
11-24-2008 07:14 AM
Adding port 3580 as 'LabVIEW Debugger' to the firewall's exeception list should solve yout problem.
09-27-2012 11:02 AM
Hi all,
has this ever been solved ?
I have the same problem. A stand-alone firewall prevents opening up the complete high port range.
So port 3580 has been opened and the NI service locator can be contacted, I see the debuggable applications on the remote machine.
But the Debuggable application gets a "random" port assigned by the NI service locator (?), which cannot be reached through the dedicated FW.
So can I restrict the NI service locator or Labview application to use a specific port ?
Thx & br
09-28-2012 08:33 AM
dear mpapproth,
unfortunately, this feature has not been implemented yet.
But if you want, you can write this idea into the LabVIEW IdeaExchange Forum.
Best regards,