05-14-2013 12:08 PM
While reading this white paper about retriggerable tasks ( http://www.ni.com/white-paper/5382/en ) and I see toward the bottom this note: "NI-DAQmx versions 9.5.5 and newer do not include retriggerable examples for LabVIEW 2012." Indeed when I look in the example finder in 2012, I can see the many of the examples that were included in 2011 ( https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-25713 ) are not available to me. It has been quite frustrating to me that documentation on NI.com constantly refers to examples in the Example FInder that are not present.
I am wondering why the examples were removed. Are the practices they describe not recommended or not compatible? Is there an alternative method I should be using instead?
05-15-2013 10:20 AM
I'm not 100%, but I believe the examples were removed because they are not compatabile with a number of cards (including M series). The examples are still accessible at the link you cited.