01-16-2012 06:54 AM
Hello ,
I have a question regarding a Labview VI that uses RFID tags for users to log in.
It uses parts of the example VI from Phidgets.com. The example VI runs fine,
But when imbedded in the VI I made it doesn't work anymore.
Wich means it works sometimes but only once and then it stops.
What is wrong?
I attached the complete file. The main Vi, the sub VI's and all the necessairy files.
I hope you can help me.
I am new to this formum, so if I didn't post it at the right place, please tell me.
01-16-2012 08:52 AM
It's not clear to me which part is "their example", and which part is your code.
01-16-2012 09:45 AM
I modified the example and it is woven into my own VI. I just found the solution dough. arround the RFID "part" I used a for loop with 1 iteration. When I removed that, it worked like clockwork. So for my part This is closed. (it took me two weeks to figure that out.)