07-22-2013 04:53 AM
I'm working with NI PXIe-5663. In the included software packages is a programm called NI-RFSA-Softfrontpanel, which is a very nice program and contains almost every function I need. But this programs lacks the ability to save data directly to disk. I wonder if the LabVIEW "source code" of this program is available for download. If that would be the case, I could download it and add the remaining functions to it.
In the LabVIEW version (I have) are some VIs available from this NI-RFSA-Softfrontpanel for example to read directly IQ data from the device but the whole NI-RFSA-Softfrontpanel is not listed.
best regards
07-31-2013 06:37 AM
So there is no one who could answer my question?
08-02-2013 03:51 AM
Hi Christian,
I don´t see us providing the sources for the new RFSA-SFP. There is a vi called "RFSA Demo Panel.vi" in the shipping examples of RFSA which
basically does the same with a not soo fancy UI. But you can see/edit its blockdiagram.
Maybe this helps you.
best regards
Marco Brauner NIG
08-05-2013 07:31 AM
Hi Marco,
thanks for your help. I checked this and I found this Demo Panel you were speaking of.
But now I have anothe question/problem. I tried to open this project, but the where some vis missing:
- niModInstGetInstalledDeviceAttribut(solo)
- niModInstGetInstalledDeviceAttribut(poly)
- niModInstCloseInstalledDeviceSession
- niModInstOpenInstalledDeviceSession
I started a search for those vis but there weren't installed. But the niModInst seems to be installed. I know that because I searched for niModInst Installer on the DVDs and I found it. When I tstarted this Installer it told me that niModInst were already installed and even in a higher version ( I guess from a previous update).
Do you know where I can get the missing files or why those aren't there even if niModInst is installed?
best regards
08-05-2013 08:03 AM
Hi Christian,
I don´t know exactly how niModInst API is missing or not complete on your system, but since it is a low-level API which is actually being used by
the drivers for the modular instruments, you could repair or uninstall/install your RFSA/RFSG drivers. I cannot see this problem on my PXI-system.
Marco Brauner NIG
08-07-2013 07:44 AM
After installting support for LabVIEW 2009 and 2010 the RFSA Demopanel is working fine.
I'm confused about this ACQUIRE button which seems to be permanently deactivated, but I hope with another day or two I'm gonna understand the programm and be able to enable this or to implement my own data writing method.
So thanks for the hint of this demo panel program.