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rt get time string pb

I face a pb concerning the time in cFP2100 ( or FP ).

I display the time ( and it's correct even for daylight ). But when I convert the time to string ( to write it in a file)
the value is not the same.

The PAC works with no PC (so without time server ) : I've configured it with UTC+1 ( Paris = GMT+1) and daylight is enabled.

Please take a look at my vi : if you can give me a way to get the time. Thank you

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Message 1 of 7
Just a comment : I need to get the local time (not the UTC time) into a string.
"Format Date/time string" return the UTC time.

Is it possible ?

Thank you
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7
For me it works correctly. Format Date/Time String" returns either the UTC time or the local time depending on the flag. Thus I see the UTC time in one string indicator and my local time (UTC + 2, equal to the OS time) in the other.
Did you set up the time zone in windows?

EDIT: Sorry, you're not using windows. Looks like LabVIEW doesn't notice the time setting in the FP device.

Message Edited by dan_u on 03-27-2007 04:01 PM

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Message 3 of 7
yes but with the dayllight it doesn't work for me.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7
Please try the following test:

* configure the FP module : UTC+1 (Paris/madrid) (= Norway UTC+1)
* check the daylight box

* use the VI in the first message for making test (RT Set Date and Time)

set date to 01/27/2007
set Local Time to 16:00:00

you will get
Get Date Time in seconds
1) directly displayed :                                                             15:00:00
2) displayed after "Format Date/time" with UTC flag=T :     15:00:00
3) displayed after "Format Date/time" with UTC flag=F :     16:00:00

It's correct because items 1 and 3 are same

set date to 03/27/2007
set Local Time to 16:00:00

you will get
Get Date Time in seconds
1) directly displayed :                                                             17:00:00
2) displayed after "Format Date/time" with UTC flag=T :     15:00:00
3) displayed after "Format Date/time" with UTC flag=F :     16:00:00

It's not correct because I expected that item 3 was equal to item 1.

What is wrong in my configuration ?.
What is the good way to get the actual time into a string ?.

Thank you for your help
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7
the following VI works fine on PC but not on cFP.
Why ?

For example : I get :

"Temps actuel" 14:00
chaine date heure= 14:00               (Format Date/Time string with UTC flag=FALSE) = local time
chaine date heure 2 = 12:00         (Format Date/Time string with UTC flag=FALSE)

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Message 6 of 7
I don't have FieldPoint devices, so I can't test. But anyway the easiest solution would probably be to store all data in UTC time. This will also prevent a time overlap/jump when daylight savings start/stop.
In the header of the data file you can write that times are in UTC and then they can be adjusted for displaying in local time.

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Message 7 of 7