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salvataggio dati compactrio

Buon pomeriggio a tutti questa è la prima volta che mi interfaccio con un modulo real-time.

Il mio problema sta nel voler salvare i valori acquisiti da una comapactrio NI-9022 sul pc. Il mio dispositivo è connesso alla  rate attraverso un cavo ethernet. So che i dati acquisiti vengono salvati sul crio è vero?? Se si come posso salvarli sul mio pc per un elaborazione futura?

grazie mille a chi mi aiuterà sto cercando di replicare una PMU per la mia tesi triennale

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Potreste indicarmi qualche esempio di salvataggio da replicare?

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Good afternoon everyone, this is the first time that I interface with a real-time module. My problem lies in wanting to save the values acquired by a NI-9022 CompactRIO on the PC. My device is connected to the installment through an ethernet cable. I know that the acquired data is saved on cryo, is it true?? If so, how can I save them on my pc for future processing? thank you very much to those who will help me I'm trying to replicate a PMU for my bachelor's thesis.

The 9022 is a very old controller running VxWorks. You need to use LabVIEW 2019 SP1 and NI CompactRIO 19.6 or earlier for it to be supported by your toolchain!


While you can save the acquired data on your cRIO device, it has very limited memory resources on board and may fill up quite quickly depending on your acquisition rate and required duration.


Generally when you build a cRIO application you have three different programming targets in your project:


My Computer: This is the application running on your PC. It communicates with the cRIO through network resources. This can be your own TCP/IP protocol using LabVIEW TCP primitives or Shared Variables or Network Streams. Your own protocol is more flexible but quite an effort to implement in a reliable way. The other two are easier to use but offer limited flexibility.


cRIO Target: Here you implement the real-time application that at the end is run all the time on the cRIO and accesses your hardware, possibly saves data to its internal flash memory and provides a network interface to the application on your PC to get the data and optionally to receive some commands.


FPGA Target: This is inside the cRIO Target and here you can implement the actual high speed control of the hardware directly in hardware. If your speed requirements are not to high you may skip the FPGA programming and only use the scan engine interface to the hardware from your real-time application above.


cRIO programming is not a trivial thing to use and not a good starting point to learn LabVIEW. You need a good basic understanding of LabVIEW before you can start attacking a cRIO program.


If you haven't done so yet, I would start with some of the tutorials about basic LabVIEW programming linked to at the top of this LabVIEW forum. Then head over here to look at how to get started with CompactRIO.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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