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sample VI's for data acquisition from SR850

I was helped a lot by NI in finding driver for our instrument,SR850. I've
installed its driver and need some sample VI's for its data acquisition. I
am a
beginner in Labview and getting data from SR850 is creating a lot of
for me at the moment. We have Labview 7.1 installed on our computers in
Linkoping university.
Your help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

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Message 1 of 4
There are examples here
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Message 2 of 4
Can you explain your application a little bit so that we can guide you to the precise example?
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Message 3 of 4

Actually i have to plot all of SR850's outputs(X,Y,R) vs. time and save corresponding data on a PC,but i am unable to write its VI. Hope to hear from u soon


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Message 4 of 4