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sartorius can't read after VI restarted

I am trying to read a sartorius balance. I download the driver, and find the"sartorius get weight with units" VI is very helpful. I simply insert it into my program. And it worked. Then I close my program, re-loaded, run again, it shows:

Error -1073807339 occurred at VISA Write in Sartorius>Sartorius Get Weight With>

Possible reason(s):

VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.


I though I may not open and close the instrument, so I add intialize VI and close VI. Doesn't appear to help.


VI is attached. Andy suggestions?


Thanks a lot.




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Message 1 of 8

Sounds a lot like the instrument isn't getting closed correctly.

I don't have a Sartorius handy.

You may want to spend some time with the LabVIEW tutorials. The sequence structures you are using are not necessary and you should look into controlling flow using the error cluster wire.

Are there any errors reported when you run this VI the first time? If the Sartorius driver is written well, I'd expect some other indications if the instrument is ending up in a bad state.


How do you restore the setup to a working condition? Do you have to restart LabVIEW or restart the balance? or both?

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Message 2 of 8

Thanks for your replay. There is no problem run it in the first time. It happened like this many times. When I wrote the program (open the program insert the read weight VI), it worked. Then save the program, run it again, the error shows.


I have to rewrite the program, say, open the program, delete the read weight VI, insert it again. I didn't touch the balance.

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Message 3 of 8

sounds like I have a communication problem with my balance. I run the print VI, it returns an error. I am just wondering, why it is working sometime? File attached.

I also tested the measurement and automation explore, I tried to validate the port settings (such as baud rate, data bits....), it passed. But when I open the visa test panel, iput/output. The write passed, but read give me such an error:


Read Operation

VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.


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Message 4 of 8

Is there any documentation for the control commands or the driver? Sometimes there are additional commands required to prepare devices for the next reading.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Looks like there is a communication problem between labview and the device. But I just don't know what. I am reading the manual. I will update my results or questitons once I got something new.



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Message 6 of 8

It been so long and I almost forgot it. Here is my final discovery. 

I have downloaded drive for the balance, but not for the exactly model I have. However, this is not the problem why the program didn't work. The problem is possibly the wiring in the balance. Obviously sartorius made very bad wirings in the balance we bought. First the analog output didn't work and we found the ribbon that connected the analog card to the output desub connector card has loose connections. Fortunately, the analogy card has a direct wiring options, so we just get two analog wires directly from that card. 

I have no idea how I fix the RS232 output, I simply took out the card, re-do the ribbon a few times, toggled two switches a few times, and magically, it worked. It's been a month, and I don't have any problems with my program. Knock the wood.


Thanks again for your helps.

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Message 7 of 8

I know this reply is super old, however, I just ran across this problem with a 2006 Sartorius scale I was required to re-use...


1) make sure the drivers are OK inside device manager (should show up as UART if using USB)

2) Check the scale settings, in my case I needed to reset the scale back to factory settings, then match LabVIEW VISA settings

3) I used the SICS protocol, so my example may not match Scale, but maybe it will help someone in the future

    - how to change the settings for my scale model are note files

* do not use VISA Clear or VISA flush with the Sartorius scale - my trials seemed to always result in timeout failures if those VIs were called.


my example is setup for function global variables due to the nature of my test bench.


example for model MSA1203S000DE - Cubis

Device Parameters \ Configure Ports \ Configure Serial USB \ SICS format

Device Parameters \ Configure Data Output


19200 Baudrate
data bits = 8
Parity = odd
Stop bits = 1
Log data = Off  **in my case i only received information to the Labview Computer
Selected Protocol = Software Handshaking ON

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Message 8 of 8