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scxi properties (chassis communicator?)


I see in MAX that there is a "Chassis Communicator" value for a scxi chassis.  Is there any way to get this information using labVIEW (maybe some property node I can't find)?  I have multiple daq cards on the same computer and each has an scxi chassis so I would like to be able to find which chassis is connected to which daq card and this is the most obvious way ive found to do it.  I'm willing to listen to other suggestions 🙂 .  I'm using DAQmx and Labview 7.1.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7
Hey Hassani,

Currently there is not a method to programmatically obtain this information.  You could submit this as a product suggestion.  All product suggestions are reviewed by developers to determine the feasability of the suggestion.  Not all suggestions, will be implemented, but they are all considered.


Message Edited by Kenn N on 02-16-2007 11:20 AM

Kenn North
Principal Product Manager - Search, Digital Analytics
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Has any progress been made on this?

I'm currently working on a new DAQ System that we are planning on using our existing SCXI Hardware with and ran into this same problem.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7



DAQmx doesn't have a DAQmx System or DAQmx Device property for this specific use case, but there is a way to programmatically read the DAQmx configuration from your application: use MAX Copy"system://localhost", "c:\some\path.ini", "DAQmx", replace) to write the DAQmx configuration to an INI file, and then use the LabVIEW configuration file VIs to parse the INI file. The INI section for your chassis (such as "DAQmxSCXIChassis SC1") should contain a "SCXIChassis.CommDev" key.



Brad Keryan
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Well, parsing system config is ok but slow...


There is another workaround:

  • Create Task with physical channel from SCXI Chassis of interest
  • Obtain "Devices" from DAQmx Task property wired to Task
  • First device on the list would be digitizer device

Get SCXI Digitizer.png

LabVIEW 2011, DAQmx 9.7.+



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Hi Artur,


Thanks for the workaround. Note that the chassis communicator and the module digitizer may be different devices, and different modules may have different digitizers (to support SCXI parallel mode). In most cases, knowing the digitizer is more useful because that's the device that handles the timing/triggering properties for SCXI AI tasks. Also, the combination of SCXI parallel mode and X Series multi-device tasks introduces an interesting corner case: multiple digitizers per task.



Brad Keryan
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Hi Brad,

You absolutely correct, but for data consistency (records) it is more important to know your digitizing device (ADC, timing and such as you mentioned) rather communicating device. If end-user would like to have this information in their record books than parsing system config would be sufficient or preserving it (it has tons of information).

Original question was how to identify which DAQ card married to which SCXI chassis and I think my workaround would work for that.

Thanks for feedback,


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Message 7 of 7