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send command instead of typing in

When a third party software or application is opening, I can type in command/text to its prompt. Anyone knows how do I use LabVIEW to send in the command/text instead of key in? 

I tried with "" (e.g., exit \C as shown), but the input to the prompt shows "59~" instead of "exit". (When I send "\C" the application will take the "Enter" and next prompt appears.) Can someone help me? Thank you in advance.



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Message 1 of 3

I found the solution after searching around. I can use Keycode to implement my request, see attached.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

Using System Exec (Windows)



After command finishes:



command line

wait until completion

standard output

standard error

return code

internal_command TRUE Error 2   blank blank 0
FALSE Error 2   blank blank 0
external_command TRUE runs OK Window closes output (if any) from command error message (if any) from command valid
FALSE runs OK Window closes blank blank 0
cmd /C any_command TRUE runs OK Window closes output (if any) from command error message (if any) from command valid
FALSE runs OK Window closes blank blank 0
cmd /K any_command TRUE runs OK Window closes output (if any) from command
plus command prompt
error message (if any) from command 0
FALSE runs OK Window remains open blank blank 0
external_command >out.txt
cmd /C any_command>out.txt
TRUE runs OK Window closes blank error message (if any) from command valid
FALSE runs OK Window closes blank blank 0
external_command 2>err.txt
cmd /C any_command2>err.txt
TRUE runs OK Window closes output (if any) from command blank valid
FALSE runs OK Window closes blank blank 0
external_command >out.txt 2>err.txt
cmd /C any_command>out.txt 2>err.txt
TRUE runs OK Window closes blank blank valid
FALSE runs OK Window closes blank blank 0
cmd /K any_command>out.txt TRUE runs OK Window closes command prompt error message (if any) from command 0 Files "out.txt" and "err.txt" aren't
written until user closes window.
FALSE runs OK Window remains open blank blank 0
cmd /K any_command2>err.txt TRUE runs OK Window closes output (if any) from command
plus command prompt
blank 0
FALSE runs OK Window remains open blank blank 0
cmd /K any_command>out.txt 2>err.txt TRUE runs OK Window closes command prompt blank 0
FALSE runs OK Window remains open blank blank 0

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Message 3 of 3