07-01-2014 06:10 PM
i've trying to send a text file via rs-232 but no success
The file contains a code for a device im dealing with, when i send the text file with labview to the device, it went ok with no errors, but when i connect the device on hyperterminal and check if the code was loaded it was not.
can you please give some clues to deal with this?
thanks a lot
attached example text file and LV code
07-01-2014 06:20 PM
07-02-2014 07:08 AM
Some devices are very picky with the End Of Line. You might want to right-click on your FIle Read and deselect the "Convert EOL".
Or if you need to write 1 line at a time, right click on the Read Text File and select "Read Lines". Set the number of line to read to -1 (read all) and then wire the resulting array into a FOR loop where you do the VISA Write.
07-02-2014 09:40 AM
Thanks for your replies
it seems the for loop thing worked
thanks for helping