09-17-2009 12:49 AM
I'm currently using labview to receive data sent from the microcontroller PIC18f4520. I'm using visa to receive data from the microcontroller. Is it possible that I will be able to send data back to the microcontroller? and what vi should I use to send data back to the microcontroller.
09-17-2009 02:32 AM
09-17-2009 09:21 PM
I've seen the web but I still don't understand how am I going to use labview to send data back to the microcontroller. Is it possible that someone can provide me an example to do it?
Thanks and Regards.
09-17-2009 09:57 PM
09-21-2009 09:46 PM
Thanks for your help. I'm currently now trying out on how to do it. Now the problem lies with the microcontroller as I'm not too sure how to receive the data from labview. Does anyone knows how to program a PIC18f4520 to receive data from labview? It will be great if somebody is able to help. Thanks.