02-01-2011 09:25 AM
Hi, I am trying to send e-mail via Labview, i put this from SMTP email palette, and filled like following picture. but it gave that error on the picture.
p.s. i found some examples about it but labview closed itself when i wanted to open them.
when i use smtp gmail, do i need to use ssl or tsl?
SMTP email icon doesnt ask any username or password? Can i send email without them?
02-01-2011 09:28 AM
This has been brought up many times. Did you try a search? Gmail requires authentication. The SMTP VIs that ship with LabVIEW do not support authentication. If you want to use GMail you will have to use either .NET (see http://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-2401) or the OpenG SMTP VIs (search for these).
02-02-2011 08:56 AM
thanks for your answer, i am searching it.