06-04-2012 03:32 PM
Here's an example. I just used a simple sine wave to demonstrate the derivative concepts. I normally clean up my code more than this. Hopefully I threw in enough comments so you can figure out what is happening. You only need to worry about what is inside of the fore loop. The rest is just to make a pretty chart. Just for fun, I used the built in LV function to show how different it really is (not at all). I have a feeling the LV code does the exact same thing as I am showing.
10-15-2014 06:46 PM
Would you be kind enough to post the source code as attachment ? thanks
10-15-2014 07:19 PM
The code crossrulz posted is a "snippet" which is an image which contains the code. Download it and drag the file to the block diagram of a new VI.
10-15-2014 07:29 PM
I doubt I kept that code more than 3 days, let alone 2 years. Luckily, I do have a habit of posting snippets. Save that image off to your desktop and then drag it into a VI's block diagram and you will be happy with the code.