10-12-2009 03:40 AM
I want to automate the distribution of my dsc runtime via a silent installation. As I need to uninstall a few products (remote-provider RemPXI-provider, Software-Provider) because
the user shell not be able to browse the network components. Can I exclude the components like NIRemoteProvider in the setup.ini? I've already tried to remove the section but
the setup exits with an error that he doesn't find a product (hash-code of the removed component).
It is a very circuitous cycle to do a full install and manually remove the component after the complete install. Isn't there a way to do an adjusted installation without these components?
Kind Regards,
10-13-2009 04:15 AM
Hi Joachim,
you will need to create a so called spec file where you specify what components to install to which location.
After you've done that you can do the customized silent install by calling setup.exe <path to spec file>.
Read the following KB where you find detailed explanations on how to create the spec file:
Best regards,
10-13-2009 08:17 AM
I've created the specfile - but there are a few Products installed which shouldn't - RemoteProvider, RemPXIProvider... The specfile isn't the problem - I want to edit the setup.ini-file....