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signal compression whit FFT

this is what I want to do:


In the compression algorithm, each segment of 2048 samples is transformed using thefast Fourier transform. The coefficients are then thresholded, that is to say set to zerocoefficients below the threshold chosen.

The Fourier coefficients of high frequency are rejected, and are the coefficients of low frequencies that are used for reconstruction. "

0 Kudos
Message 21 of 32

As I already said, make a small table that contains the location, magntude and phase of the non-zero components and save to file. Then make a mirror operation that reconstructs the signal from this data later. All the tools are already there.



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Message 22 of 32

What you are describing is filtering, not compression.  Some data compression could be involved but the description does not indicate that it is.


What are you doing with the data after reconstruction?  What is the goal or purpose of the "compression?"


Do you understand the theory of sampled data systems and Fourier transforms?



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Message 23 of 32

So how can I do to compress a signal?

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 32



here an example of how to do a compression


but play the game , what is the goal of this  application ?


is it an home work ?






CLAD / Labview 2011, Win Xp
Mission d'une semaine- à plusieurs mois laissez moi un MP...
RP et Midi-pyrénées .Km+++ si possibilité de télétravail

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Don't forget to valid a good answer / pensez à valider une réponse correcte
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Message 25 of 32



tinnitus showed how amplitude or reduced dynamic range compression works, the result at least.  Is that what you want?


Or, do you want to reduce the storage space as MP3 uses less space than a CD with the same musical performance?



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Message 26 of 32

yes exactly I want to reduce storage space.

0 Kudos
Message 27 of 32


tinnitus:  I made three  reduction program images in MATLAB but I am still beginner inLabview is why I ask for help from you. and thank you very much anyway.

 and thank you to johnsold & Altenbach

0 Kudos
Message 28 of 32



I see,


Ok you want to reduce space storage , but you don't expalin the methodyou want to use or it not appears so clear


 may be mp3 algo could be ok , just adapt your txt in a wav format and use a mp3 encoder ...






CLAD / Labview 2011, Win Xp
Mission d'une semaine- à plusieurs mois laissez moi un MP...
RP et Midi-pyrénées .Km+++ si possibilité de télétravail

Kudos always accepted / Les petits clicks jaunes sont toujours appréciés
Don't forget to valid a good answer / pensez à valider une réponse correcte
0 Kudos
Message 29 of 32



That's what I found in the literature but it is in french?


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Message 30 of 32