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skinning tabs?

possible? say for example i wanted my tabs to have a metal look, such as this

then could i wrap teh tabs in ths wallpaper?

Message Edited by labnoob on 04-04-2006 07:58 AM

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Message 1 of 4
You could put the picture of the metal into the tab control, select the picture and press Ctrl-Shift-J to put it in the background and then add your controls over it.  It will make the pages in the tab look like the metal, but I am not sure if you can actually change the tabs themselves to look like metal.

See the pic attached.


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Message 2 of 4
ye ma8, figured out about that one, its not very cool tho eh!! 😕 it looks pretty rubbish if im being honest. och well, maybe one for future versions, where you can skin yourtabs to emulate a plethora of hardware caseing. that would be cool actually
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Message 3 of 4
You could make that look a little better if you used a picture for the tab controls. Right-click the tab and select Advanced->Tab Layout->Import Image from Clipboard. (I assume that's already the Classic Tab Control in Kenny K's image.)
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Message 4 of 4