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smart antennas design using labview and based on multicore technology to take advantage of the huge horse please

hello every one;


can you please suggest me any new idea or anything else, related to wireless communications systems, specifically (smart antennas).

as my PhD project is about smart antennas and i want to use labview to design the DSP part of smart antennas, namely,(Adaptive Beam former using labview). Also, i would like to base my whole project on Multicore technology like for example, desktop intel's duo-core processor.

and i want to use Desktop execution trace toolkit to measure the performance on both 1 core and multicore machines.


note: i have labview 8.6 together with all its kits, like..modualtion,spectral measurements,advanced signal processing,DFT, simulation......etc toolkits.



please help me to find any new idea suitable for PhD project.


thanks a lot in advance


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