08-13-2009 07:19 AM
Good day to all
I wish to communicate with a UPS device using snmp.
I have the UPS mib file. But I have no idea of how to translate it in to a UDP massage in order to make it work.
any examples, reference or links will be appreciated.
thanks in advance
08-13-2009 09:13 AM
shaicoh wrote:any examples, reference or links will be appreciated
Did you try a search?
08-13-2009 12:03 PM
Yes I did try a SEARCH... Thank you very much.
but all I found was tons of abstract explanations and not one concrete example!
and thanks again for your sincere help! your replay was so helpful!
08-13-2009 12:10 PM
Sarcastic comments do not help. You did not mention that you had done a search, you were given a number of links, or that you had looked at the toolkit. I have used the toolkit and if I remember correctly, there is an example that comes with it.
08-13-2009 01:37 PM
i did not try the viodia tool kit if that is what you meant, since from the discussion concerning it it seems as if it's not very helpful unless you are already familiar with snmp and cost money. so i did not see those examples and would be happy it you could send it.
but isnt it possiable to simply constract the UDP packet i need by knowing the roles it has to follow? that is without the tool kit?
thanks again
08-13-2009 02:33 PM
I don't have the examples as the toolkit was used at the last place I worked.
While the toolkit does assume that you have some familiarity with SNMP, creating your own code from the low level TCP/IP functions would take a large amount of time and a much more detailed knowledge of the protocol. That was the deciding factor for us. It's comparable to the low level TCP/IP functions and the Telnet functions you get with the Internet Toolkit.