08-15-2013 05:35 AM
My research suggests that you would receive a more specific error message, stating that the license is not active, rather than a resource error, if your software wasn't properly activated.
Even so, please check in the license manager on the deployment machines that a 2013 runtime license has been activated as this does seem to be necessary when upgrading according to this knowledge base article:
Best Regards,
08-15-2013 09:40 AM
Hey Chris,
Thanks for the advice. I had to restore all my machines so i could run production on the 2012 version. Initially when i tried to run my executable on the deployed PCs i was getting an error saying my run time engine was not compatable even after selecting it for my additional installer. So i had to go to download the run time engine from NI website to run my executable. Once i downloaded the run time engine to the PCs i activated using the SN. But i did not activate my vision with their SN. I read the article in the link you provided and it stated;
As of August 2009, the NI Vision Development Module Run-Time Engine License also is capable of activating the Vision Acquisition Software License. Therefore you no longer have to buy a separate license for Vision Acquisition Software for the target machine.
So in essence i should not of had to activate the vision with the seperate SN.
08-15-2013 09:44 AM
Hi Damien,
I'm sorry to hear you've had so much trouble with the upgrade. Are you saying you have now switched back to the 2012 distribution and it is working OK?
I will continue to follow this up further and check why this behaviour occured. I will get back to you on this thread if I find anything.
Best Regards,
08-16-2013 12:12 AM
Hey Chris,
Yes that is correct i have reverted back to the developer suite 2012 version and have restored my deployment machines to the 2012 executables also. I am away for the next 2 weeks on vacation. So i will install this new software onto a new hard-drive and go from there once i return. So if it does not work I can replace the hard-drive and production will not be down for too long.I really appreciate your assistance in this.