06-06-2018 10:27 AM
@0636079234 wrote:
Please I need the lm35 heat sensor on labview and arduino with code
Please create a new thread for this new topic, and be more specific about what your question is.
06-06-2018 10:38 AM
@arteitle wrote:
@0636079234 wrote:
Please I need the lm35 heat sensor on labview and arduino with code
Please create a new thread for this new topic, and be more specific about what your question is.
... and don't place plain text into code tags.
06-07-2018 06:50 AM
How can I start communication with HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor with Arduino on LabVIEW(visa).
I need an example with the programming code
06-07-2018 08:02 AM
How are you sending the data from the Arduino to LabVIEW?
You seem to have 16 different pressure points (4x4) + a temperature.
If you send 1 1D array of 17 data elements, then you can split it down into your 4x4 and your 1
What you are currently doing is processing 4 data elements every loop (and 17 / 4 =! integer number), so you either need to send 4 temp readings.... ; process the whole data set in 1 go or handle the temp read back better.
You should probably setup the termination char on your serial port and read bytes at port instead of a byte count too. (this may be your main issue, if you are reading too fast).