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stacked plot change based on daq channels

Hi All,


I am trying to build a VI for EMG data. I want the user to able to specify which channels they want to use and it could be anywhere from 4-8 channels. Right now I am collecting the data as "Analog 1D DBL NChan 1 Samp" connecting that to the array to cluster function and then to a waveform chart. I chose stack plots so it has a small display for each one. I have the output wired to a file which write all the data to csv file. 


The issue I am having is that "array to cluster" requires that you specify its size before you execute the program so it can not dynamically change. Is there some work around where I would not need to use this function but still have the channels go to the waveform chart + file output. Vi is attached. 

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Message 1 of 5



Please do not post vis set to "Run when opened" without an abort button.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 2 of 5

Hi Jeff,


I'm sorry if my vi caused an issue but I tried downloading what I attached and it doesn't run when I open it. Maybe I dont know what you mean.

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Message 3 of 5

You should be able to create an indicator on your DAQmx Read and change it to a chart.  I think this display will display all channels.  You can set up a for loop based on the number of channels in the array and add offsets to the data for your chart display based on what channel it is.


With the attached your display is shifted and your data is not.

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Message 4 of 5

Attachments don't appear to work.



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Message 5 of 5