05-20-2010 07:35 PM
Hi tbob,
I tried to make it as ur example shows but it doesnt work since the string stops at some point but is not empty.
thanks again
05-21-2010 10:59 AM
What do you mean by "the string stops at some point but is not empty". This doesn't make any sense. Also, I used a string array just as an example. It isn't a direct substitute for your code. I don't know how you are acquiring data. I don't know what your data is. You have to figure out how to tell when your data ends and use parts of my code to implement stopping the loop. Whatever method you use to read the data, what happens when there is no more data? Do you get some type of termination character? Give me more information.
05-21-2010 07:23 PM
thanks tbob I figured it out. Now I have a loop that each iteration collects data in a text file and the next iteration ads the data to the bottom of the the previous data.
Is there any way that I could save the data of each iteration in a column next to the previous one instead of all in a long column? I tried the write to spread sheet but had no luck yet.
thanks for your help
05-22-2010 06:51 AM
The problems with a column is that you have to interleave your data at every run.
Perhaps you can store your data in a row per time (use a 'tab' as a delimeter and append a CRLF).
After finishing the loop, read the whole file, transpose the array and resave.