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strain to force measurement in labview

Hi guys,


I would like to measure the lift and drag forces on a NACA profile using strain gauges. I have obtained the strain values using DAQ assist in labview. But I would like to know how I can measure the force from these strain values. Thanks in advanvce

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Message 1 of 3

That would be quite a trick!  You need to review what you know about Stress and Strain, and figure out how you can get Force (definitely a "dimensional quantity") from Strain (dimensionless).  Read your textbook and think about it.


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 3

thanks for your reply. But in my case i cant use the normal stress strain relationship. i am testing on a naca profile. the stress is unknown. lift and drag forces can vary depending upon the velocity. only the known quantity is strain. 

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Message 3 of 3