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subvi crashes when called

Okay, this is weird. I am running LV8.0.1 on XPSP2. I have a subvi (let's call it Bob) which runs fine on its own. Bob also seems to run fine when called from another vi (Joe), but only if Bob isn't already open. If Bob is open (but not running) and I run Joe, LV crashes without a message. Bob's front panel is configured to open when called, and close when finished. So here's a summary of what I've tried:
  • Run Bob - okay
  • Run Joe (with Bob closed) - okay
  • Run Joe (with Bob open) - crash
  • place a breakpoint at the very beginning of Bob, and run Joe - crash
  • force recompile of Bob, run Joe - crash
  • diagram disable structure around the entire contents of Bob (leaving just error in and error out) - crash
So, my conclusion is that Bob is somehow corrupt. I'm not sure how to go about fixing that. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Message 1 of 4
Are there any dependancies on resources shared between these two vis? 
Paul Falkenstein
Coleman Technologies Inc.
CLA, CPI, AIA-Vision
Labview 4.0- 2013, RT, Vision, FPGA
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Message 2 of 4
Joe is literally just a blank vi with Bob placed on the block diagram. So, I guess memory is shared. There isn't anything crazy going on in Bob though. It's a relatively simple vi that reads a simple text file and plots it...

For some reason you just made me think about the run-time menu. I just removed ifrom Bob, and now the vi works. The .rtm must be corrupt.

hmm, there's more than that. I can use the default run-time menu, but any other (including Minimal) still kills LV. I am going to try a new vi with a custom .rtm and see if that misbehaves. Maybe I have a bad LV install?

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Message 3 of 4
Okay, so it looks like my LV is messed up. I just created two new vi's (Jen and Mike). Jen is a blank vi with a Minimal RTM. Mike calls Jen (open FP when called, close when done). Jen run's by itself, but when called from Mike, it brings down LV (only when Jen is already open).

I'm going to try a reinstall, or maybe just take this opportunity to switch to 8.20.

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Message 4 of 4