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synchronization cameras on the same IEEE 1394b bus

I am capturing images at the continuous mode from two diffent Dragonfly  Express cameras on the
same 1394b bus in format 7 mode, I programmed the software to
capture partial images at different ROI window. I record the internal buffer
number returned for each image acquisition from the camera to check
if there are images skipped or if two images are synchronized. I find
that in certain situations the difference between the two returned buffer number returned
constantly increasing.   I read two images in the same loop which means if the two
images are synchonized, the buffer number difference
should have a variance of 1-2. 

This happens, for example, for one camera, capture the ROI window of (10,10,
320, 240), for the other camera, capture the ROI windows of (120, 120,  320,
. When I capture the full image, the behavior dissappers.
The attached is the Labview code.

Does that mean that the two image capturings are not synchronized? I remember that
for Dragonfly EX cameras, the images capturing for two cameras on the same
1394 bus are synchronized.


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Message 1 of 4

Hi Cindy,

    Cameras can only be synchronized if signals are passed between them, or if they are capable of accepting camera timing signals from the computer.  Just having them both wired to the same bus will not be enough to synchronize them.  There may be a special case for these Dragonfly cameras, but to make sure I would call the manufacturer.  Let me know if you have any more questions!  Thanks

-Allison S.
Calibration Services
Product Support Engineer
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Message 2 of 4
High Cindy,
I just received a Dragonfly Express camera and tried to operate it with LabVIEW Vision. Now after installing the PtGrey-drivers, their flycapture software worked fine - did see the camera - however in LabVIEW i.e. in MAX, I could not find the camera.
How do I have to install the camera driver/ what drivers do I have to install in order to operate them with LabVIEW?

Many thanks in advance


P.S.: I also sent a request to PtGrey but then found out here that you managed to get the camera working (in 800 MB transfer mode I hope)
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4
Hello Herbert,

Assuming that your camera is DCAM compliant, you will need to uninstall the third-party driver software and then install NI-IMAQdx.  NI-IMAQdx is National Instruments' driver software for DCAM compliant firewire cameras.  You can download the NI-IMAQdx driver as part of the Vision Acquisition Software, which you can find by searching  Please note that the NI-IMAQdx driver does require activate after the evaluation period expires.

Best Regards,
T. McCarty
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Message 4 of 4