10-01-2015 05:14 AM
hy everyone;
I've porblem with synchronizing,i did tow tank ,when the fist tank is fully charged ,it shoud start to discgarge instantaneously ,but there is som delay by fous or six second >>how i can delete this dely >>please help,i will be so gratefull for you
10-01-2015 05:28 AM
How are you causing the discharge? Are you just moving the sliders yourself? I'm not seeing anything in there to cause a discharge otherwise.
But your problem comes down to the feedback nodes. The values you should be putting in them are the values after the In Range & Coerce. This will make sure your feedback nodes have the same value as your tanks.
As it is right now, the values in the feedback nodes will keep incrementing past the full value of the tank and then what has been added on must be removed before you see any results to the tank.