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test array permanent



I want testing array.. Step 1- If the Array_size== 4 then

Step2- have to test this array again so 10 time

Step3- if in the 10 times the array_size still equal to 4 then have to send email else if in the ten times the array_size not 4 then have to test the array again und go to step 1 .. I wirte here a vi.. but it did not work correct.Can any body help me?



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Message 1 of 6

First, you need to be ALOT more descriptive in your posts.  Your subject line has nothing to do with your question.


I believe you are asking how to check to see if the array size is 4 for a certain period of time.  Why do you want to do this? what could change the array size?  these questions are vital in getting the proper performance.


Your posted pic will run once and only once.. there is no loop to keep it going.  So in essence, it checks to see if array size is 4 (yes) check to see if iteration reached 10 (no) program ends.  You will NEVER reach 10 iterations with the posted code, you won't even reach two.  Use a while loop with a shift register to keep track of your counter.


Finally, you need to implement some sort of timing.  Even if you add a loop to your current code, it will be sending out multiple e-mails per second as the loop will run as fast as possible.  Checking the array size will only take a few milliseconds and you will fill someone's inbox very very quickly.

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Message 2 of 6

hello :),

At first thank you for your  answer.. At fist I want this function to test a data from a device... when the device stoped have to send me an email..
Can you please write a vi to me?I  tried to build what you told me. but it did not work 😞

Thank you

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Was I correct in guessing what you wanted?  "testing an array" is very vague.  Does the device have issues with reporting the wrong size data array?  This sounds rather strange to me.  If you are using this as a way to determine if the device is finished with some measurement routine, there is likely a better way.


What device are you using and is there a manual?  Alot of devices have built in registries which can be polled to determine if a measurement is still in progress or not.


Note that many devices simply return the last values in the buffer so testing the number of values returned wouldn't work in this case.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6



what I need is testing an array.. and in the first post I said how i want doing that.. but I can not write the Vi?  you said that i have to build a loop and timing, how I can do hat.. can you please tell me or write the VI.

Thank you

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6



i would recommend some basic trainng for LabVIEW. 


For example that Getting Started with LabVIEW Link:


There is a lot of good material for getting started with LabVIEW avaliable on the internet. 


Or another efficient solution would be to attend at a LabVIEW Training directly at National Instruments. 


LabVIEW Core 1:

LabVIEW Core 2:


greetings from munich. 

Andreas K.

NI Germany

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Message 6 of 6