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time lapse images

Hi everyone,


I'm acquiring time lapse images using Imaq USB, and I have a problem with one of the cameras i'm using : 


The camera goes trough a "EZ Grabber USB 2.0 Video Capture-Convert" device, then in the usb on my computer.


I created a program taking either snap shots images, either movies (grab), and saves them in a folder.


Movie recording works perfectly using IMAQ USB Grab.

But when it's about recording snap shots, it doesn't work properly : 90% of the images are just black. (the 10% left are correct images)


even when I use the express VI "USB Acquisition" ,  I manage to have images approximately 10% of the times I click on "Acquire single image"


Changing the time of the loop doesn't do anything.



With an other device it works perfectly (other than "EZ grabber") but I have to use that one for my project.



Any ideas why this happens ? thank you and sorry for the poor english =$

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Message 1 of 3


I think its maybe a driver issue.

Can you try with the supplied software from Techgear.



Yann C.


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Message 2 of 3

Hi Simon,

My project is similar to yours as well. However, i am not able to acquire any image from the camera. 

May i ask how did you do it?


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Message 3 of 3