03-25-2015 11:25 AM
I've got a client who potentially wants to use Time-Triggered Ethernet for communication within a system. This is a relatively new protocol, described here.
I remember a few years ago that NI began talking about using deterministic Ethernet with their hardware and software. I've found a few reference to it on ni.com, including this overview. However, this particular technology, if I understand it correctly, is a proprietary NI protocol, and (probably) not the same as the Time-Triggered Ethernet standard.
Does anyone have experience with Time-Triggered Ethernet communication from/to LabVIEW?
06-03-2019 06:17 AM
was there any reply, or news, regarding using Time Triggered Ethernet protocol with Labview ...
Any useful info, or links, would be appreciated.
06-03-2019 07:47 AM
I have not heard much about it lately.
EtherCAT is the current manifestation ... I believe.