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timed sequence problem



I am currently working on a program that instructs a laser to lase and a PMT to read the number of counts of photons received. Attached please find the core sub VI program.


However, I do not really understand how the timed sequence works. The millisecond delay is supposed to be the delay between 2 laser pulses. Read in array is a sub vi that tells the array of PMT to read counts, and Read out array is a sub vi that reads the data from the PMT. Fire laser is a sub vi that instructs the laser to lase.


Could you kindly explain the sequence of events in this sub vi? In the main program, it is put in a big while loop, and there is a delay timer (Wait 20 ms). What would the delay between 2 laser pulse and that between 2 PMT readings?

Thank you so much for your kind help!!! Your generousity is highly appreciated!

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Millisecond Delay specifies the delta T value from the start of the first frame to the start of the second frame (as long as it's greater than the time  for the ReadCommandPMTArray VI to execute).  Then the second frame (Fire Laser) will execute.  After the sequence completes, ReadOutPMTArray_old will execute.

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