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timing measurement between finite pulses

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Hi Nitin,


I'm surprised you see anything at all in the chart when your "data" array is empty…


Did you do any debugging? Is there any error with the DAQmxRead function?


One note: you try to read 10k samples with a sample rate of 1kHz: this will take 10s. The default timeout of DAQmxRead is also 10s. Did you read the help for DAQmxRead regarding that matter? Again: did you do any debugging and did you check the error output?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 15

Hi Gred

I am able to see samples now in array .


It would be grateful to you if you can let me know how i can search in rising edge in bunch of samples , as by the time i will process it one by one at the same time new samples will come .





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Message 12 of 15

Hi Gred

I am able to see samples now in array .


It would be grateful to you if you can let me know how i can search in rising edge in bunch of samples , as by the time i will process it one by one at the same time new samples will come  And ho wto trigger to count no of samples





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Message 13 of 15

hello Gerd


I can now traverse  the array and find out the transistions , But total transtion should be 22 , instead of them i am getting  less then 10 .



Can you please help me in this case ?





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Message 14 of 15

Hi Nitin,


total transtion should be 22 , instead of them i am getting  less then 10 .

Right now you search in blocks of 100 samples: are you SURE you have more than 10 transitions per data block?


Can you attach an example with some data set to default in your VI?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 15 of 15