05-27-2022 02:54 AM
As mentioned, Dynamic (or User) Events can be used to make a simple, effective timer.
This image is a snippet of the attached file "Simple User Event.vi":
The attached file "UTO plus Mouse.vi" has a User Timeout (with timing check) and it tracks the mouse position.
Add a queue to the timer loop get more functionality. For example changing the timing.
A programmable event generator is another option for this structure.
05-27-2022 09:14 AM
Thanks Knight.
Your comment is very helpful.
Regarding other question,
If a user stop the movement of mouse, the analysis result is updated on the lastest point by sending a command to the consumer loop from
mouse move event but from timeout event.
Frankly, my application has been enough with timeout loop because any other input parameter was block for a measurement.
However, I figured out mouse movement on plot can be consumed so much.