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trouble synchronizing all 20 channels of Fluke Hydra 2625A data logger



I am using Labivew 8.5. I connected a hydra datalogger through a serial (RS232) connection. I have installed the driver and made it to work with 20 channels. However I am having a little trouble synchronizing the datalogger. As I read the values from the datalogger and write them to a file, some of the values are not being recorded. Is there anyway I can get it to synchoronize this without skipping any reading.



Waqar Iqbal

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Hi Waqar,


Unfortunately the 2625A driver isn't NI Certified, and thus I can't provide much help with that particular driver. Hopefully there is someone else on the forums who has experience using this device/driver.

Justin E
National Instruments R&D
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4



I am a newbie to LABVIEW. I want to do some quick temperature measurements with J/K thermocouples. Downloaded the driver for 2625 from NI's website.


Not sure how to proceed?


Help needed! Thanks




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Hi Photon22,


You might want to look in the pre-made examples in the LabVIEW Example Finder. Under Hardware I/O>DAQmx>Analog Measurements>Temperature, there are several pre-made VIs for reading in temperature data. Also, as Dennis Knutson mentioned to you here, the 2625A driver itself should contain some instructions on use.

Andy H.
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 4