05-29-2012 03:23 PM
Can anyone help me with an labview 8.6 internal error in undo.cpp line 4578 ?
05-30-2012 01:47 AM
Does it do this while you delete and scroll in a listbox?
http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/set-scroll-bar-position-list-box/m-p/90748/highlight/true#M55566 may help
05-30-2012 07:45 AM
Unfortunately no!!
This problem occurs after you leave de program running for 4 days. Initially I thought it would be memory leak but when i start the profile performance and memory i can´t see any abnormal consumption.
Now i´m trying to find some subVI problem but I really don´t no know what might be causing this problem.