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usb -1208fs 8 channels continuous graph

Hi everyone! I'm working with an usb-1208fs (sinlge-ended mode, 8 channels, 2kS/s) and I want to visualize all 8 analog inputs in continuous mode. For that purpose I have changed the example from Universal Library to my case. It does work but not really good, because if I switch on one signal to the channel 1 I can see the signal in both windows Waveform Graph 1 and Waveform Graph 3 and vice versa. If I switch on two signals then I get visalized these signals superimposed each other.

What is wrong in my code?

I have been sitting on this problem for two days and I have no idea what is wrong.

I hope someone can help me.


Message Edited by uwlu on 08-27-2009 02:41 AM
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 2

Hi uwlu,


I've taken a look at your code, but I cannot do much with it. You've only provided the main VI, but not the driver VI's. It would be usefull to share your complete project with us, so we can get a better understanding of all VI's you're using (which probably are driver VI's to your DAQ board).


Could you be a bit more specific on the problem you have and what the final result is you're expecting to see?




Peter S

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Message 2 of 2