08-02-2009 03:05 AM
Hi there i am planning to purchase a device that can estimate the Transfer Function of an electromechanical device. Basically i want to use the swept sine analysis to find out the bandwidth of the system and then i wana estimate the transfer function with the facility to choose the number of Zeroes and Poles. Actually i used a Dynamic Signal Analyzer from Agillent 35670A but i want to know that is there any NI-PCI device that can actually provide the same features that DSA from agillent provides?
Please help me in this regard i have searched a little and found out that NI provided a series of DSAs which is NI-PCI 445X i just wana know can any device of this series can be used for the functions that i have mentioned above. Please let me konw. I wana do swept sine analysis, transfer function estimation with the facility to choose number of poles and zeroes, FFT analysis, step response analysis of the system.
Please let me know about that weather i have to develope the VIs myself to do all the above mentioned things or are these already developed and available?
Thanking you in anticipation.
Kind regards Ehtisham.
08-03-2009 04:55 PM
All of our DSA devices should be able to accomplish this. To say exactly I would need to see all of the specs of that agilent device but it seems we are very comparable.
For software we can do many to all of these things with the Sound and Vibration Measurement Suite. First you can see our Swept Sine VIs here. Sound and Vibration also has a wide variety of VIs that can help with FFT analysis including Zoom FFT. Some of which are even included in LabVIEW.
Here is a page with a VI that may work for step response.
For the transfer function I am not quite as sure I believe this VI may help.
So with the proper toolkits you will not have to do much actual development.
08-26-2009 01:52 AM
Jason, i have found on Internet that there is a software available for these devices i mean the NI-445X series devices, namely NI-DSA Software. can you please tell me if the software that i mentioned can do all the calculations and perform all the tasks that i wish to perform. Moreover if all the things are possible with NI-DSA software then please inform me can i get some startup training on this software. I need the details for the training on this software.
08-27-2009 01:43 PM
The 445x card has been end of life for several years. It is quite an old card and NI-DSA is quite an old driver. I am not exactly aware of the capabilities of this driver. I am sure that we do not offer training in any way on this device except what you can find in old documents on ni.com. As I mentioned above sound and vibration is probably your best option for this application.