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using condor engineering busapi.dll with lv 6.1

hi all
im trying to control a condor 1553 pci card using this dll, busapi32.dll.
my question is this, when i load the dll using the call library function node i get the full list of functions on the dropdown, but when i select one e.g. BusTools_BC_Init the function prototype is as follows: void BusTools_BC_Init(void).
However the function itself actually includes the following parameters  
BT_INT BusTools_BC_Init (BT_UINT wCardnum, BT_UINT wChannel,
BT_U32BIT dwIntEnable, BT_U16BIT wRetry,
BT_UINT wTimeout1, BT_UINT wTimeout2,
BT_U32BIT dFrame, BT_UINT num_buffers);
would i be right in saying that if i added these parameters so that i got the following function prototype:
void BusTools_BC_Init(long wCardnum, long wchannel, unsigned long dwIntEnable, unsigned short int wRetry, long wTimeout1, long wTimeout2, unsigned long dFrame, long wCardnum);
 this would then work?
many thanks in advance (as i sometimes forget afterwards)
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Message 1 of 5
You'd probably be close to having it work if it didn't. But did you know they make a LabVIEW LLB? Made it a LOT easier for me with my QPC-1553 card. I was up and running in no time.
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Message 2 of 5
costs money though

they dont like that here
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5
Return type for BC_Init is a long...the remaining arguments are unsigned long with the exception of wRetry which is unsigned short.

BTW: The cost for the LabVIEW driver was peanuts compared to the $9000 for the card. Besides, you'll spend a lot more in labor doing it the other way. That's always a convincing argument to management.

Message Edited by Bill@NGC on 07-31-2007 10:55 PM

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Message 4 of 5

Hey Slugger,

Did you ever get this to work? I got the API/dll and was thinking of doing the same thing you did, but want to see if that's going to pay off.




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Message 5 of 5