01-26-2016 03:53 PM
Ever since updgrading to Mac OsX 10.11 in labview 2014 visa sessions will not close. The close session VI runs without an error but the USB port remains claimed by Labview until I physically unplug the device from the computer. This never happend with 10.10
01-26-2016 03:55 PM
It is strange that it worked fine in the previous version... Does it also free up if you entirely close out of LabVIEW?
01-26-2016 04:52 PM
I just checked and no, it looks like quitting out of labview completely will still keep the port locked down.
01-26-2016 04:54 PM
Interesting, I've never seen that before. And are you sure it's not selected in MAX or some other program? (I only ask because I've done that before...)
Besides that, maybe you could upload your code and see if anyone notices anything odd.
01-26-2016 05:06 PM
to be sure if your labview close the visa or not it is not relate to labview go to tool and then option mark the icon that claim labview close visa port every time that vi stop if you visa port did not stop yet so problem is relate to your hardware or driver
01-26-2016 05:18 PM
False alarm. In looking into this it appears that it is actually a firmware bug with my hardware. For whatever reason this bug is not present on windows or earlier versions of mac.
01-26-2016 05:19 PM
Thanks for the update!