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waveform chart

Hola quisiera saber si alguien conoce la manera de solucionar la siguiente situacion:

Estoy trabajando en un VI que recarga cinco senales de un archivo previamente guardado, no le he puesto extension. Para guardar y leer el archivo uso save y read spreadsheet file. Esto lo hace muy bien. Los archivos contienen los datos de las cinco senales que voy a visualizar primero en cinco waveform graphs y posteriormente si deseo generar las senales estas deben visualizarse tambien en un waveform chart configurado en el modo de scope y de manera tal que pueda observar las cinco senales por separado en el mismo waveform chart.

La cuestion es que al momento de generar  las senales, el waveform chart  solo muestra las cuatro primeras senales y la quinta  parece  no estar ahi.  Para observar la quinta  debo mover la  ventana del VI, pero apenas la dejo de mover no se visualiza. Tambien he reducido el tamano del history lengh, ahi funciona para valores muy pequenos como para un tamano menor de 8000, pero no puedo visualizar la senal.

Ahora estoy usando labview 8.2, pero debo decir que antes el Vi corria bien en labview 7.1 y el history lengh era de 40000. Como puedo hacer para que nuevamente se observen las cinco senales.

Gracias por su atencion
Message 1 of 6

Here is what Google translated to:

"Hello it wanted to know if somebody knows the way to solve the following situation:

I am working with a VI that loads five signals from a file previously kept, I have not put an extension. In order to keep and to read the file, I use save to and read from spreadsheet. This works very well. The archives contain the data of the five signals that I am going to visualize first in five waveform graphs later and if desire to generate the signals these must also visualize in waveform chart formed in the way of scope and way so that waveform can separately observe the five signals on the chart.

The question is that at the time of generating the signals, waveform chart single shows the four first signals and the fifth does not seem to be there. In order to observe the fifth, I must move the window of IVI, but as soon as I move it dissapears(?). Also I have reduced to the time of history lengh, works there for very small values like for a smaller time of 8000, but I cannot see the signal.

I am using labview 8.2, but I must say that before VI was created in labview 7.1 and history lengh was well of 40000. Since I can do so that again the five signals are observed.

Thanks for your attention"
Message 2 of 6
¿Entendía correctamente que hiciste un programa similar escribir en LV7.1? ¿Y esta versión trabajó? ¿Si es así por qué no cargar el VI original LV8.2 que usa?

¿Es posible fijar una copia de tu código?

Esperanzadamente este traductor hizo un buen trabajo de traducir inglés-español…
Message 3 of 6
jejeje!!!!!!!!! Very good translation.

But, why the VI works properly in Labview 7.1 but in Labview 8.2 I have to move the VI's window to see the last generated signal.

I reviewed the program a lot of times and Labview didn't change anything, I mean talking about functions and controls. 

I'd just uninstalled  the  last version of labview and installed labview 8.2 then after saved a backup I opened my VI, then I proved all the functions, and all of them worked and still
working perfectly by the exception that when I want to generate the five signals at the same time from a previously saved file the last signal seems to not appear or not to be generated.
I measure the signal with a scope and the signal is there and if I move the window the last signal suddenly appears in the VI.

I don't understand what is going on. I'm going to check again the requirements of labview 8.2 and check if the computer fulfills them, but I am sure that the PC is not the problem.

Thank you for your attention, and Sorry about my English.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6
Why don't you post your VI and a sample data file?
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

You're English is excellent.

I would recommend doing what Dennis suggested.  Post your code & sample data.  From what you describe, it should work well..  Unless we're missing something..

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6